6103 ERB 1
Additional Title
- Henry J. Gomberg Collegiate Professor of Engineering
Research Interests
- High intensity/ short-pulse laser system development
- Nonlinear optics, nuclear fusion, laser-plasma interactions
- “Table-top” particle accelerators using lasers
- High field physics
- X-ray laser development and applications
- Science and applications of pulsed power discharges
Research areas:
Plasmas & Nuclear Fusion
Plasmas & Nuclear Fusion
Princeton University
PhD Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) ’94
MA Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Physics) ’89
University of Western Ontario
BSc Hon. Physics ’87
Professional Service
- 2006-present: Professor, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan.
- 2011-present: Director, Center for Ultra-fast Optical Science (CUOS), University of Michigan.
- 2007-present: Professor, Physics, University of Michigan.
- 2007-present: Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Michigan.
- 2006-present: Visiting Professor, Imperial College London, Physics,
- 2003-2006: Head of Plasma Physics Group, Department of Physics, Imperial College London.
- 2003-2006: Professor, Department of Physics, Imperial College London.
- 2002-2003: Reader, Department of Physics, Imperial College London.
- 2001-2002: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Imperial College London.
- 1997-2001: Lecturer, Department of Physics, Imperial College London.
- 1993-1997: Post-doctoral fellow, Cornell University/US Naval Research Laboratory.
- Secretary/treasurer, American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics 2011-2013.
- Program committee member APS/Plasma Physics conference, 2011-2013.
- Brookhaven National Lab, External Advisory Panel, Accelerator Science 2009-present
- DOE High Energy Physics Early Career Award 2014
- Review Panel member, Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany 2009.
- Scheduling committee member, Omega Laser Facility, LLE, U. of Rochester 2009- present.
- Program committee, Laser accelerator conference, Greece, (2009) China (2011), India (2013)
- Program committee, Anomalous Absorption Conference, Colorado (2014)
- Member: International Advisory Board of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2007 – present
- Referee: Science, Nature, Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Imperial College Press, Princeton University Press, Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, EPSRC, DOE, NSF etc.
Honors and Awards
- George J. Huebner Research Excellence Award, University of Michigan College of Engineering, 2013.
- Outstanding Faculty Award, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, 2010.
- Professor Mitsuyuki Abe Visiting Chair, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Kyoto Japan, 2008-2011.
- Charles V. Boys medal and prize for experimental physics – UK Institute of Physics, 2006.
- Fellow: American Physical Society, Institute of Physics, Optical Society of America.
- Berman research publication award, US Naval Research Laboratory, 1997.
- National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship,Princeton University, 9/88 – 8/91.
- Raymond Compton Dearle Gold Medal in Physics (highest GPA), University of Western Ontario, 1987.
- Students awarded Culham thesis prize for best plasma physics Ph.D. thesis in UK and Ireland: E. L. Clark 2002, Barney Walton 2005, S.P.D. Mangles 2006, P.M. Nilson 2007, L. Willingale, 2008: also European Physical Society thesis prize in plasma physics: S.P.D. Mangles, 2006, and John Dawson thesis prize: S.P.D. Mangles, 2007.