Labs & Research Groups
NERS is home to an expansive network of laboratories, centers, initiatives, and research groups.
Our extensive research infrastructure provides both undergraduate and graduate students with unparalleled opportunities for hands-on learning and cutting-edge research.
NERS has over 20 state-of-the-art laboratories, with several facilities rivaling those found at national laboratories. Explore the full catalog of our laboratories, centers, initiatives, and research groups below, organized by their primary research focus.
Classes involving the labs include NERS 315, NERS 425, NERS 499, NERS 515, NERS 535, NERS 575, NERS 586, NERS 990, NERS 995, and independent investigations.
Fission Systems & Radiation Transport
Artificial Intelligence and Multiphysics Simulations (AIMS) Laboratory
Prof. Majdi Radaideh (RAD)
The AIMS Lab focuses on the intersection between nuclear reactor design, multiphysics modeling and simulation, advanced computational methods, and machine learning algorithms to drive advanced reactor research and improve the sustainability of the current reactor fleet. The lab develops software capabilities that can be deployed on experimental systems. Their current project involves advanced reactor optimization, autonomous control for microreactors, digital twin development for reactor systems, explainable machine learning framework for licensable AI technologies, robotics and drone-based autonomous inspection, and the use of large language models for sentiment analysis of nuclear power around the United States.
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow Laboratory (ECMF)
Prof. Annalisa Manera
The lab was established in 2013 with the purpose of advancing and understanding thermal-hydraulics and fluid-dynamics phenomena of relevance for nuclear applications. In the ECMF lab, we perform fluid dynamic experiments using in-house advanced state-of-the-art high-resolution experimental techniques such as wire-mesh sensors and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) combined with novel refractive-index matching techniques. Experimental facilities in the lab are used to investigate the propagation of stratified fronts, mixing in plena, and turbulence-induced thermal fatigue in isolated branch lines. The highly resolved (in time and space) experimental data are used to establish a database for the validation and further development of Computational Fluid Dynamics models.
High-Resolution TH Imaging Laboratory
Prof. Annalisa Manera
In the high-resolution TH imaging laboratory, we develop and apply measurement techniques for quantitative imaging of single-phase and multiphase flows in complex geometries and high-pressure systems. The latest developments include an in-house, high-resolution gamma tomography system, and a high-speed X-ray radiography system. Additional high-resolution instrumentation employed in the lab includes wire-mesh sensors and fiber optic probes. The high-resolution experiments are being performed to investigate two-phase flows in fuel bundles, helical coils, and post-CHF two-phase flow regimes at high pressure/temperature. Additional experiments include setups to investigate the behavior of heat pipes for micro-reactor applications and hydrogen migration in nuclear fuel cladding materials.
Nuclear Plant Simulation Laboratory (NPSL)
Prof. John Lee and Prof. Brendan Kochunas
The NPSL was established in 2019 with the installation of the Generic Pressurized Water Reactor Simulator. This simulator represents the entire instrumentation and control (I&C) system of a three-loop Westinghouse PWR plant with all its gauges, knobs, recorders and control systems. The Simulator satisfies the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements for licensed reactor operator training and is being modified to represent the I&C system of the six-unit NuScale SMR plant under development. With an investment of $105,000 made for the Simulator, it is currently used for a cyber-security NEUP project and for various nuclear reactor analysis and design classes. With the development of efficient and secure digital I&C systems looming as a new frontier for nuclear engineers, we plan to use the Simulator as an integral part of advanced nuclear plant development projects going forward. The NPSL also includes an interactive Virtual Reality (VR) model of Michigan’s Ford Nuclear Reactor. This environment is used for teaching and conducting experiments that were previously a part of the NERS curriculum when the FNR was still operational. This platform which was developed with support from Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation also provides a unique digital infrastructure for research into developing digital twin and VR technology for nuclear engineering applications.
Nuclear Reactor Analysis and Methods (NuRAM) Group
Prof. Thomas Downar and Prof. Brendan Kochunas
NURAM provides technical expertise in reactor analysis, including design and safety analysis, and methods development. NURAM includes faculty, research scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and PhD students. NURAM faculty, staff, and students, are involved in the development of advanced computational methods for analysis of coupled nuclear reactor phenomena including neutron transport, thermal/hydraulics, materials performance, and validation of these methods against experimental data. Specifically, NURAM develops and maintains the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s core simulator PARCS, and the next-generation high-fidelity neutronics code MPACT that is a part of VERA. The group also develops and maintains the AGREE code for the US NRC, as well as derivatives for industry partners. In addition to developing codes, the personnel of NURAM also maintain expertise in many other computational tools used for reactor analysis. These tools come from U.S. National Labs, many from the NEAMS program, including VERA, Griffin, BISON, RAVEN, SAM, MC2, SHIFT, SCALE, MCNP, and DIF3D. NURAM also maintains academic licenses to many industry products such as Westinghouse’s APA package, CASMO-4/SIMULATE, HELIOS, STAR-CCM+, ANSYS, and more.
Nuclear Reactor Design and Simulation Laboratory (NRDSL)
Prof. Won Sik Yang
NRDSL aims to develop advanced nuclear reactors and associated fuel cycle concepts and core design and fuel cycle analysis methods by integrating advances in reactor physics, thermal-hydraulics, materials, and computing technologies.
Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory
Prof. Xiaodong Sun
The THL carries out separate-effect and integral-effects tests in reactor thermal hydraulics to support the safe and economical operation of light water reactors (LWRs) and development of advanced non-LWR reactors, including molten salt reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. It has established a number of high-temperature test facilities, including molten salt and helium test facilities, to understand key physical phenomena and develop experimental data for validation of safety analysis and computational fluid dynamics models.
Materials & Radiation Effects
Computational Nuclear Materials Group
Prof. Fei Gao
The focus of our research involves multi-scale computer simulations of material performance under extreme conditions, including high temperature, high pressure, and high irradiation fields. The major focus is to combine experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches to fundamentally understand solid interactions, radiation effects in ceramics and reactor materials, interfacial and nanostructure evolution of semiconductors, radiation detector materials, and the development and application of multi-scale computer simulation for materials modeling. The current research consists of four thrust areas) materials performance and microstructural evolution of nuclear fuels, cladding materials, and structural materials in fission and fusion reactor environments, 2) multi-scale computer simulations of nanoscale defect processes, ion-solid interaction, electron-solid interaction, mechanical and electronic properties of nanostructures in ceramics and waste forms, 3) atomic-level simulations of defect properties, doping effects, thermal, mechanical and electronic properties of one-dimensional nanostructures in wide bandgap semiconductors (GaN, SiC, GaAs …), and 4) large-scale Monte Carlo method to accurately study electron-hole pair production, specifically their spatial distribution and light yield in semiconductors and scintillators.
High-Temperature Corrosion Laboratory (HTCL)
Prof. Stephen Raiman
The HTCL provides the capability to conduct corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and hydrogen embrittlement tests in high-temperature aqueous environments and, in particular, simulated light-water reactor environments. The corrosion laboratory has unique facilities for conducting both high and low-temperature corrosion, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), electrochemical testing, and mechanical testing. HTCL is a Nuclear Science User Facility.
Irradiated Materials Testing Complex (IMTL)
Prof. Stephen Raiman
The IMTC provides the capability to conduct high-temperature corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of neutron-irradiated materials and to characterize the fracture surfaces after failure. The laboratory consists of a high-temperature autoclave, circulating water loop, load frame, and servo motor for conducting constant extension rate tensile (CERT) and crack growth rate (CRG) tests in subcritical or supercritical water up to 600°C. IMTL is a Nuclear Science User Facility.
Materials in High Temperatures and Extreme Environments (MiHTEE) Laboratory
Prof. Stephen Raiman
The MiHTEE Lab supports innovative nuclear technologies by recreating extreme environments and developing new materials that can withstand those extremes. The laboratory includes facilities for multiple molten salt or liquid metal loops, glove boxes for handling air-sensitive materials, including uranium and beryllium-containing materials, high-temperature furnaces, a hot isostatic press for fabricating materials, and analytical equipment for working with molten salts and other materials.
Michigan Center for Microstructure Characterization
Prof. Gary Was
(MC)2 houses state-of-the-art equipment, including aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopes, dual-beam focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopes, an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer, a tribo-indenter, an atomic force microscope, and an atom probe tomography instrument. A few of the instruments contained at the laboratory include Tescan MIRA3 FEG SEM, Tescan RISE SEM, FEI Quanta 3D e-SEM/FIB, FEI Nova 200 Nanolab SEM/FIB, and more.
Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory
Prof. Kevin Field
The Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory for Surface Modification and Analysis (MIBL) was established for the purpose of advancing our understanding of ion-solid interactions by providing up-to-date equipment with unique and extensive facilities to support research at the cutting edge of science. The lab houses a 3 MV pelletron accelerator, a 1.7 MV tandem accelerator, and a 400 kV ion implanter. This laboratory is used in the senior laboratory course NERS 425, Applications of Radiation. MIBL is a Nuclear Science User Facility.
Nuclear Oriented Materials & Examination (NOME) Group
Prof. Kevin Field
Our research focuses on three broad areas: (i) advanced manufacturing and alloy development: development of novel processing routes and compositions to obtain high-performance alloys for nuclear energy applications, (ii) radiation effects and characterization: examination of the materials changes induced through radiation using advanced characterization techniques, and (iii) emerging technologies: rapid exploration of disruptive technologies including data analytics for nuclear energy applications.
Z Lab
Prof. Y Z
The Z Lab’s research can be summarized into two words: Matter and Machine. In the realm of Matter, they synergistically integrate statistical mechanics and molecular fluid mechanics theories, accelerated molecular simulations, understandable AI methods, and neutron scattering experiments to extend our understanding of rare events and long timescale phenomena in complex material systems. Particular emphasis is placed on the physics and chemistry of liquids and complex fluids, especially at interfaces, under extreme conditions, or when driven away from equilibrium. Concurrently, on the Machine front, leveraging their expertise in materials and modeling, they advance the development of soft robots and human-compatible machines, swarm robots and collective intelligence, and robots in extreme environments. These two research areas, spanning from fundamental to applied, serve as integral pillars in our overarching mission to foster a sustainable, resilient, and secure energy infrastructure.
Plasmas & Nuclear Fusion
Center for High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics Research (CHEDAR)
Prof. Carolyn Kuranz
Researchers at CHEDAR study fundamental high-energy-density plasmas relevant to astrophysical systems, the National Nuclear Security Administration mission of science-based stockpile stewardship, and inertial confinement fusion concepts. They create these systems using high-energy laser and pulsed-power facilities and simulate them using the radiation hydrodynamics code CRASH. The research focus is hydrodynamic instabilities, radiation hydrodynamics, and magnetized flows. Researchers also fabricate and characterize experimental targets and research novel diagnostic techniques. This is a National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Center of Excellence.
Center for Magnetic Acceleration, Compression, and Heating (MACH)
Prof. Ryan McBride
Researchers at MACH explore hot, dense plasmas using powerful magnetic pulses, most commonly using z-pinch implosions that rely on magnetic fields to crush plasmas in cylindrical form toward the central “z” axis. The MACH team focuses on achieving symmetric compression, preparing to build more powerful fusion machines, and exploring fundamental physics. The center is an extremely flexible space that encourages student creativity to support research at national labs. Partner institutions include Cornell University, Imperial College London, Weizmann Institute of Science, Princeton University, UC San Diego, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of New Mexico, University of Rochester, University of Washington, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories. This is a National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Center of Excellence.
Computational Plasma Science and Engineering Group
Prof. Mark J. Kushner
The Computational Plasma Science and Engineering Group investigates fundamental and applied processes in low-temperature plasmas through the development and use of computer models. The group emphasizes multi-scale models (nm to meters, ns to seconds) and plasma surface interactions using advanced computational techniques. The goal is to develop fundamentally based simulations to investigate the science which is also able to be used as computer-aided design tools by collaborators. Current emphases are on microplasmas, microelectronics processing, real-time control of plasma properties, and environmental/biomedical use of plasmas.
Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS)
Prof. Karl Krushelnick
CUOS researchers develop optical instrumentation and techniques to generate, manipulate, and detect ultrashort and ultrahigh-peak-power light pulses. They use these ultrashort pulses to study ultrafast physical phenomena in atomic, nuclear, plasma, and materials physics, solid-state electronics, high-energy-density physics, and biomedicine. The center houses ZEUS, the NSF-supported, highest-power laser system in the U.S., which facilitates exploration of fundamental yet unresolved questions in non-linear quantum electrodynamics within relativistic plasmas, such as quantum radiation reaction and electron-positron pair production mechanisms.
High Field Science Group
Prof. Alec Thomas
The High Field Science group at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) is a world-leading group researching the science and applications of relativistic plasma. We are engaged in a number of ongoing key research projects involving the generation of relativistic plasmas. Our experiments include table-top acceleration of high peak energy electron beams using plasma bubbles, acceleration of high-quality energetic ion beams, the generation of high brightness x-ray pulses, and laser-driven neutron sources, in addition to numerical modeling of laser-plasma interactions. We are also involved with other studies, ranging from the investigation of phenomena related to generating fusion energy using lasers, to the use of laser-plasmas to study astrophysical phenomena. In addition, we are working on the development of ultra-high power laser technology.
Plasma, Pulsed Power, and Microwave Laboratory (PPML)
Prof. Ryan McBride, Prof. Nicholas Jordan, Prof. Ron Gilgenbach, Prof. Y.Y. Lau
PPML uses powerful electromagnetic pulses to generate plasmas and charged particle beams. The lab features three premier pulsed power facilities: MELBA, MAIZE, and BLUE. These machines produce momentary bursts of electrical power (hundreds of billions of watts) to study high-power electromagnetic phenomena. Areas of interest include nuclear fusion, extreme material states, and extreme radiation generation (x-rays, neutrons, and high-power microwaves). Lab research efforts include experiment, theory, and computation.
Plasma Science and Technology Laboratory
Prof. John Foster
The Plasma Science and Technology Laboratory’s focus is on understanding and applying plasma science to real-world problems. The lab has four major thrust areas: plasma/nuclear-derived space propulsion, environmental hazard mitigation (water treatment, surface sterilization, sanitation and plasma-based plastics waste treatment-both depolymerization and decomposition), and basic plasma science such as self-organization and the mysteries of the plasma liquid interface. Particular attention is paid to those applications that protect the environment and those that improve the quality of life in underdeveloped countries. Here, research focuses on using plasmas to achieve sustainability and reuse of resources here on Earth—the resulting technologies have applications in space exploration as well, supporting in situ resource utilization. The laboratory houses a number of vacuum tanks and associated power systems such as DC, rf, and microwave power sources for plasma production. Advanced laser diagnostics are also used to probe fields and particles in the plasmas under test.
Plasma Theory Group
Prof. Scott Baalrud
The fundamental plasma theory group conducts research in basic and applied plasma physics. Current focus areas include kinetic theory, strongly coupled plasmas, warm dense matter, plasma-boundary interactions, wave-particle interactions, and magnetic reconnection.
Policy & Climate
Fastest Path to Zero Initiative
Prof. Todd Allen
The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative is dedicated to addressing challenging questions about how policymakers, researchers, and communities can collaborate to achieve ambitious climate goals in Michigan and nationwide. The initiative focuses on building and maintaining external and cross-campus collaborations to optimize the use of nuclear energy in the 21st century. It emphasizes participatory research by developing inclusive approaches to the design and deployment of nuclear energy infrastructure. The team also creates user-friendly decision-support tools to assist advanced nuclear companies in locating potential host communities. A significant aspect of Fastest Path’s work involves researching historical and current nuclear equity and justice issues, as well as understanding community needs and societal preferences.
Radiation Measurement & Imaging
Applied Nuclear Science Instrumentation Laboratory
Prof. Igor Jovanovic
The Applied Nuclear Science Instrumentation Laboratory features approximately 1000 sqft of quality space and supports the development of advanced instrumentation for a wide range of projects. Some examples of current research include the development of novel neutron and antineutrino detectors and detection methodologies for applications in nuclear security, nonproliferation, nuclear power, and fundamental scientific research.
Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group
Prof. Sara Pozzi
The DNNG Laboratory is focused on the development of new tools and techniques for the detection and characterization of special nuclear materials, such as uranium, plutonium, and narcotics. Our research has applications in the areas of nuclear safeguards, nuclear nonproliferation, and homeland security. We develop new measurement systems based on scintillation detectors for the detection of neutron and gamma-ray sources. DNNG research also focuses on characterizing the properties of new scintillation materials (e.g., efficiency, light output, anisotropic response, etc.), including readout systems to improve pulse-shape discrimination performance. This laboratory is used in the senior-graduate laboratory course in detection for nuclear non-proliferation, NERS 535. See also: the DNNG Labs and the Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification (MTV).
Michigan Augmented Reality Laboratory
Prof. Sara Pozzi
Augmented reality (AR) technologies using head-mounted devices allow the display of complex data to a user directly as holographic impressions. We are interested in visualizing radiation fields and radioactive sources both for education and real-world source search scenarios. In the AR creator’s space, we provide the testing grounds for such technologies, bringing together computer scientists and nuclear engineers to develop a new way of perceiving radiation.
Michigan LINAC Laboratory
Prof. Sara Pozzi
This approximately 2,000 ft2 laboratory houses a Varian M9 electron LINAC and associated detection systems. The Varian M9 is a commercially available LINAC that accelerates electrons up to 9 MeV onto a high-Z converter material to produce X-rays with a Bremsstrahlung spectrum up to 9 MeV. The accelerator is contained in a room in the corner of the lab whose walls act as additional collimation for the X-ray beam. After the collimator, the approximately 15 m long beamline is used for active interrogation experiments. Additionally, the beamline is used to perform time-of-flight characterization of the photonuclear reaction products. This facility enables active interrogation experiments using a variety of targets available on campus, including depleted uranium, lead, and tungsten.
Michigan Scintillator Laboratory
Prof. Sara Pozzi
At the Michigan Scintillator Laboratory, we melt-cast new scintillators, such as new plastic and organic glass scintillators. The laboratory is equipped with fume hoods, scientific ovens, and other relevant equipment. We also develop multi-detector arrays to characterize the emissions from nuclear fission. Specifically, we have recently designed and developed a spherical array of 40 organic stilbene detectors and a custom fission chamber in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory.
Neutron Science Laboratory
Prof. Igor Jovanovic
The Neutron Science Laboratory is dedicated to advancing the fundamental understanding and applications of neutron science, particularly the development of radiation detection materials, devices, and systems. The lab space is equipped with DD and DT neutron generators, radioisotope neutron sources, and a variety of standard and advanced radiation detectors and nuclear electronics.
Nuclear Measurements Teaching Laboratory
Prof. Igor Jovanovic
The Nuclear Measurements Teaching Laboratory introduces students to the devices and techniques most common in nuclear measurements. Experiments include the operation of gas-filled, solid-state, and scintillation detectors for charged particles, gamma rays, and neutrons. The laboratory has four stations, each with an oscilloscope, a suite of nuclear electronics, a high-purity germanium detector, and a PC equipped with a multichannel analyzer. This laboratory is used in the junior and graduate radiation measurements laboratory courses NERS 315 and NERS 515.
Position-Sensing Semiconductor Radiation Detector Laboratory
Prof. Zhong He
The Position-Sensing Semiconductor Radiation Detector Laboratory is dedicated to the development of room-temperature semiconductor radiation detectors. These instruments are being developed for applications in nuclear nonproliferation, homeland security, astrophysics, planetary sciences, medical imaging, and high-energy physics experiments. This lab is home to the Orion Radiation Measurement Group.
Radiation Detection and Measurement Group
Prof. David Wehe
Exploring semiconducting radiation detector materials, integrated circuits for processing detector signals, and radiation imaging with gamma rays. The primary goal of this research group is to enhance the available options for the detection of radiation in a wide range of applications: homeland security, medical and industrial uses, and scientific research.
Radiological Health Engineering (RHE) Laboratory
Prof. Kimberlee Kearfott
The RHE is a Radiation Detection and Protection MakerSpace, and, as such includes equipment, radiaoctive sources, and space for the development and testing of new instruments and systems for application to specific radiological health problems. Work is concentrated on practical systems and radiation measurement methods deployable within the immediate future. Equipment includes temporal radon measurement instruments, a variety of payload-capable drones, thermoluminescent and optically luminescent dosimetry systems, a high volume extremely sensitive gamma-ray spectroscopic system for environmental samples, and several augmented and virtual reality headsets. Much research in this laboratory is conducted by undergraduate teams, who have developed a radiation detection game, a build-your-own geiger counter, and a radiation weather station suitable for STEM outreach.