Tag: Honors and Awards
NERS faculty receive NEUP funding awards
U-M NERS faculty are well represented as the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program releases its FY 2018 Research and Development Awards.
Trip report: Quito, Ecuador
Stuart Daudlin (BSE, Engineering Physics, 2018) discusses his Engineering Honors Program volunteer trip to Ecuador.
Geoff West wins 2017 Outstanding Recent Alumni Award
William “Geoff” West (MEng ’95, PhD ’11), founder, president and chief medical physicist of West Physics, has won the 2017 University of Michigan College of Engineering Outstanding Recent Alumni Award.
The Honorable Kristine Svinicki wins University of Michigan College of Engineering Alumni Medal
The Honorable Kristine L. Svinicki (BSE NE ’88), chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), has won the 2017 University of Michigan College of Engineering Alumni Medal. The Alumni Medal recognizes extraordinary professional achievement and is the highest commendation bestowed by the Michigan Engineering Alumni Board.
Dr. Jong Kyung Kim wins 2017 NERS Alumni Merit Award
Dr. Jong Kyung Kim (MSE NE ’82, PhD NE ’86), professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Hanyang University in Korea, has received a 2017 University of Michigan College of Engineering NERS Alumni Merit Award.
NERS faculty win coveted awards
Several NERS faculty have been recognized for their research and teaching contributions with promotions and prestigious awards. Congratulations to professors Manera, Kearfott, Was, Pozzi, Lau and Gilgenbach and Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Patricia Schuster.